Monday, April 9, 2012


Doing ironman is hardcore.

That was pointed out to me a week ago when a colleague at work found out what I spend my time outside work doing.  "F**k, that's hardcore" were his exact words - not that he was beating about the bush or anything...

I got a similar response (although not so graphic!) when St Pete and I joined local running club, Northside Running Group a couple of weeks ago.  As I settled into the "back of the pack" and casually mentioned my ironman background it immediately became clear that they expected me to run the socks off them and be some sort of elite athlete.  I'd then have to spend the next 5 minutes assuring them that I am a tortoise ironman rather than a hare!

And last week I entered Ironman New Zealand 2013.  Yet again, I got a reality check.  The first time I entered, making that commitment to the first one was a real defining (and excitrifying) moment.  This year the reality check came with the question on the entry form that asked how many ironman events I had done.  As I read the question I realised that 2013 will be my 4th ironman.  4th!!  Hard to believe I have now entered my 4th and when I tick that off I will be a third of the way to an automatic lottery spot at Kona via the Legacy Program.  I might not be the fastest, but an automatic lottery spot in Kona is definitely reserved for the hardcore.

Despite being hardcore, I still enjoyed having two weeks off before getting back into training for Cairns, and that time out seems to have been a real tonic.  I'm feeling stronger, recovering better, and haven't gained any weight since Taupo - bonus!

Not only am I feeling strong, I'm also feeling more determined.  While riding with iron virgin Bel and fellow IMNZ 2011 finisher, Mark, this weekend we ticked off 100km together.  However at the end I was 16km short of my scheduled 200km total (over two days).  It was getting late in the morning and traffic where we were was pretty manic and so rather than play russian roulette with three lanes of vehicles in the Shire, we headed home and I jumped on the wind trainer for half an hour to finish the job off.

So while I am definitely no elite athlete (those hips and thighs aren't going anywhere soon!), I guess I am hardcore, and a bit of an ironman junkie.  Groupies welcome :)

Hardcore solo ride to Palm Beach

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