Monday, February 25, 2013

Into the Taupo Sandpit...

As I've been busy winding down, St Pete has been busy composing a special ditty, which he presented to me last week.  I loved it so much I don't want to lose it, and so here it will sit so that I can easily find it.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did...

Irongirl 2nd March 2013

Soon it will be time to play.
In the Taupo sandpit for part of day. 

The day will begin with an early start.
Even before the sparrow’s first fart. 

We will drive to transition.
Finding a park, maybe a mission. 

Then off to check black beauty we will go.
A quick chat, to check that she will not race slow. 

Then on goes the wetsuit snug and tight.
With cap and goggles she’ll be right.

Then off goes Irongirl into the dawn light.
Ready for her own iron fight. 

The gun goes off, and Irongirl starts the swim.
To the cheers and applause it’s really quite a din. 

From Lake Taupo a murmur is heard.
A group of clown fish, or is it a herd? 

Singing as one, “Just keep swimming.” 

Out of the water in double quick time.
It was so fast there was no time to rhyme. 

Running up to transition, passing the walkers.
Not looking around to chat to the talkers.

Yes this version of Irongirl likes to run.
In the rain or in the sun, it is always fun.

Now on to Black Beauty, passing all who dared get ahead
For aqua and black pass them like they are walking dead.

Soon 2 laps of fun are now at an end.
And Black Beauty is parked next to a friend. 

On to the marathon, Irongirl does go.
Smiling as she passes all who are slow. 

For now it’s on like Donkey Kong.
Knowing she will be well finished well before the midnight gong. 

Now smiling and happy running up the finish chute.
Even though that course was a bit of a brute. 

After the finish she reflects it was good to take part.
Relieved are the sparrows that can now safely fart.

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